Glossary of Terms
This glossary contains both factual definitions, and definitions which were made up by the gender industry for the purpose of obscuring language and confusing people about the real issues and implications of gender theory.
Made-up words that are a product of the gender industry's campaign to create "transgender" children are highlighted in red.
That human beings come in two reproductive varieties (male and female) has been well-understood across time, cultures, and the scientific community.
Gender clinics have proliferated during the past few years. The United States had one gender clinic ten years ago. Presently more than 65 operate.
Biological Sex: the sex that one was born, male or female, as evidenced by chromosomes and genitalia.
Cis-: a made-up prefix indicating that one’s behavior or preferences align with typical or biological expectations. (cisgender, cis-sexual, cis-man, etc.)
Cisgender: a made-up term for a person who doesn't claim to be transgender. Near antonym to Queer.
Desister: a person who insisted s/he does not align with his or her birth sex, then later recants (desists) and accepts his or her own biological sex.
Detransitioner: a person who self-identified as transgender and tried to present as (transition to) a different sex than his or her birth sex, then decided to once again live according to birth sex.
Gender Clinic: a therapy center where nearly every client is deemed appropriate for gender transition and assisted in attempted social and medical transition to a different sex.
Gender Creative: a term related to the ideology that gender is on a spectrum, and that one can be located anywhere on that spectrum. See Personality.
The word "gender" was taken from the study of language by John Money, a long-discredited and unethical gender researcher, in the 1970's. Nouns have gender. People do not.
Even in cases of chromosomal abnormality, intersex individuals still almost always fit into one of two groups: male or female

Intersex: an individual who was born with chromosomal or anatomical aspects of both maleness and femaleness. According to about 1 in 1000 babies are born with some sort of sex-characteristic anomaly, though many are not discovered until puberty or after, while some are never discovered at all.
LGBTQ: an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer.
LGB/TQ: a more accurate acronym for Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer which delineates the very different populations of LGB people and TQ people and their very different interests and goals.
Misgendering: calling someone by a pronoun they do not prefer (i.e., the biologically and grammatically correct pronoun).
Non-Binary: someone who does not view himself or herself as aligning with either maleness or femaleness. Near synonym to Genderqueer.
Pansexual: sexually attracted to anyone at any time; willing to be sexual partners with anyone.
Gender Critical: denotes a recognition that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, and that the gender industry has provided no such proof; gender-critical people recognize that biological sex is real and immutable.
Gender Dysphoria: a diagnostic term describing when one’s sense of his/her gender identity does not match his/her biological sex.
Gender-Expansive: a term related to the ideology that gender is on a spectrum, and that one can be located anywhere on that spectrum. See Personality.
Gender Expression: one’s external presentation of one’s gender identity; dressing and behaving like a particular sex or combination of the sexes, based upon stereotypes. See Personality.
Gender-Fluid: not ascribing to one fixed gender; one whose sense of gender identity changes all the time. See Personality.
Gender Identity: one’s self-perception as male, female, or something in between.
Gender Industry: the conglomeration of organizations and institutions creating deceptive propaganda and promoting the abuse of gender-confused children for political and financial gain. Includes, but not limited to:
Human Rights Campaign/Welcoming Schools
GLSEN (formerly Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network)
Increasing Numbers of Public & Private School Boards
Post-Secondary Academia
National Education Association
Safe Spaces Program
Gender Spectrum
Planned Parenthood
Trevor Project
SIECUS (Sexuality Information & Education Association of the United States)
WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health)
Gender Clinics & Children's Hospitals with Gender Clinics
Pharmaceutical Companies that make puberty blockers and wrong-sex hormones
Transgender Paraphernalia Companies that make binders, packers (fake penises from toddler to adult size), cross-sex underwear, strap-on penises, etc.
Gender-Nonconforming: not aligning with stereotypes of one’s biological sex. See Personality.
Genderqueer: someone who embraces gender fluidity, who doesn’t present according to biological sex stereotypes. Near synonym to Non-Binary. See also Personality.
Gender Transition: attempting to change sexes (or gender expression) or to impersonate another sex (or gender expression) via social transition (dressing according to stereotypes of a different sex) or medical transition (taking puberty blockers and/or cross-sex hormones, and/or having surgeries). Gender Transition is an attempt to make the body align with the mind.
GLSEN: Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network; organization creating and disseminating homosexuality and transgenderism propaganda, policy, and curricula.
Grooming: specific strategies used by child predators to gain access to children for their sexual exploitation. [i]
HRC: the Human Rights Campaign Foundation; the funding and lobby organization for the homosexual and transgender communities.
When gender industry activists have no salient argument, they resort to ad hominem attacks, slandering anyone who questions them with epithets like "TERF".
Gender theory is based wholly on harmful, regressive stereotypes, which dictate that certain traits and interests belong to males, and others to females. If one's traits and interests do not align perfectly with these prescriptive stereotypes, one is labeled "transgender."
No one "assigns" sex. A child's sex is observed at birth by the obvious anatomical marker of his or her genitalia. Only in very rare cases of genetic disorder is this ambiguous at all.
Personality: an individual's set of traits and interests that make them unique from others; gender has nothing to do with personality.
Pronouns (also Preferred Pronouns): the grammatical reference used in place of a proper noun; transgender persons demand to be referred to by different pronouns that would be linguistically inaccurate (e.g., a man tells you that his pronouns are “she/her”).
Queer: an umbrella term to express any sexual and/or gender orientation other than heterosexuality and being cisgender, or identifying with one’s biological sex. Near antonym to Cisgender.
Questioning: describes someone who is confused about his or her sex.
Sex Assigned at Birth: one’s biological sex. This term has been created to propagate the false idea that there is no such thing as biological sex, only the gender that someone (a doctor or parent) randomly assigned to a child based on the child’s genitalia.
Stereotype: a widely-held idea or image of a person, which is fixed and oversimplified: e.g., “all girls like pink”, “all boys like sports”, “women can’t do math”, etc.
TERF: Trans-Exclusive Radical Feminist; originally referred to radical feminists who did not accept transgender ideology, but is currently used as a slur against any woman who does not fully capitulate to transgender activists' agenda.
Transgender: the state of living in disagreement with one’s biological sex; presenting oneself to the world according to stereotypes that do not align with those of one’s biological (birth) sex; previously known as transsexual or cross-dressing.
Transphobia: fear or hatred of people who are transgender. In current vernacular this term is applied to anyone who disagrees with anything that a transgender person says, wants, or believes.
[i] Preventing Child Sexual Abuse: Know The Facts & Signs. (2018, September 24). Retrieved August 19, 2020, from