The contract for a billboard advertising Abigail Shrier’s new book Irreversible Damage: the Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters and drawing attention to the medical and psychological harms being perpetrated on children by the gender industry, has been canceled by the company that owns the billboard. The company called the book “too controversial.”
Partners for Ethical Care (PEC), in response to a request for the billboard from an anonymous donor, has been working with the company, which cannot be named for contractual reasons, since mid-November. The first design PEC submitted, which the company initially approved, was subsequently rejected. Some of the proposed—and denied—designs for advertising Shrier's book included:
“No child is born in the wrong body.”
“Why do so many of our youth think they’re transgender?” and
“Puberty is not a disorder.”
Scheduled to be unveiled in Dallas, TX, near the Genecis Program at Children’s Health on Monday, December 14, 2020, the billboard was hired in order to draw attention to the unethical and experimental treatments being performed on children and youth, in some cases without their parents’ or guardians’ consent. Endocrine disruptors such as Lupron are being used off-label to halt children’s natural puberty, and wrong-sex hormones are given to children and youth in doses that have been proven to lead to negative health outcomes like cancers as well as organ-, bone-, and tissue-damage in adults. Shrier's book catalogs these and many other concerns with the gender industry's abuse of children and youth.
“If a man wrote the same book would they be calling it ‘controversial’? Probably not,” says the donor who commissioned the billboard.
PEC is committed to continuing its fight to protect children from unsound medical practices, and is pursuing a billboard contract with an advertiser who will not capitulate to the gender industry’s unsavory practice of coercion, manipulation, and cancellation of any who ask pertinent questions about its ideology.